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Fry, Francis. The Bible by Coverdale MDXXXV. London & Bristol, 1867. Gruber 256
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Herbert, A. S. Historical Catalogue of Printed Editions of the English Bible 1525-1961. London: The British and Foreign Bible Society, 1968.
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Gritsch, Eric W. Martin--God's Court Jester: Luther in Retrospect. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1983.
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Panzer, Georg Wolfgang. Zusätze zu seinem Entwurf einer vollständigen Geschichte der deutschen Bibelübersetzung D. Martin Luthers vom Jahr 1517 an, bis 1581. Nürnberg, 1791. Gruber 11.
Reinitzer, Heimo. Biblia deutsch. Luthers Bibelübersetzung und ihre Tradition. Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 1983.
Schmidt, Ph. Die Illustration der Lutherbibel. 1522-1700. Basel: Verlag Friedrich Reinhardt, 1962.
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Schramm, Albert. Luther und die Bibel I. Die Illustration der Lutherbibel. Leipzig: Karl W. Hiersemann, 1923.
Volz, Hans. Martin Luthers deutsche Bibel. Hamburg: Friedrich Wittig Verlag, 1978.
Clark, Kenneth W. A Descriptive Catalogue of Greek New Testament Manuscripts in America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1937.
Green, Lowell C. Melanchthon in English: New Translations into English with a Registry of Previous Translations: A Memorial to William Hammer (1909-1976). St. Louis: Center for Reformation Research, 1982.
Hendrix, Scott H. and Timothy J. Wengert. Philip Melanchthon: Then and Now (1497-1997): Essays Celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Philip Melanchthon, Theologian, Teacher and Reformer. Columbia, SC: Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, 1999.
Keen, Ralph. A Checklist of Melanchthon Imprints through 1560. St. Louis: Foundation for Reformation Research, 1988.
This website containing pictures and descriptions of all of these works is being developed by Ralph W. Klein. Individuals or groups that would like to see these books in person should contact Professor Klein (