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Chicago, Illinois 60615

Luther's Works

Publications by Luther 1535-42


Gruber 143

Gruber 143

Gruber 143 Ein Christlicher schöner trost jnn allerley leiden und trübsal, aus dem Achten Cap. zun Römern... Wittenberg: Georg Rhau, 1535. Benzing 3192; WA 42. XXIV. Predigt am 4. Sonntag nach Trinitatis. June 20, 1535. Aland 647; Benzing 3192; WA 41.XXIV. Predigt am 4. Sonntag nach Trinitatis. Click to enlarge thumbnail.


Letter from Luther to Thomas Cromwell

Letter from Luther to Thomas Cromwell

Letter from Luther to Thomas Cromwell, Secretary to King Henry VIII, Palm Sunday, April 9, 1536, Holograph. Luther excuses himself for not responding to a letter brought by Dr. Barnes and expresses his joy at Cromwell’s zeal for the cause of Christ and his power to advance it. Click the thumbnail to enlarge it.


John 13 and 14 Preached and Interpreted

Das XIIII. vnd XV. Capitel S. Johannis, durch D. Mart. Luth. gepredigt vnd ausgelegt. Wittenberg: Joseph Klug, 1538. (The 14th and 15th chapters of John, Preached and Interpreted). Luther as transcribed by Casper Cruciger. Woodcut on title-page, with Luther, Jonas, Cruciger, Bugenhagen, and Melanchthon. 1538 Maywood BS2615.L92 (36093). Benzing 3278; WA 45.XLff; Luther's Works, 24. Das 14. u. 15. Kapitel S. Johannis gepredigt und ausgelegt.

Casper Cruciger prepared this sermonic commentary. Luther once called it "the best book I have written. Of course, I did not write it; Cruciger did."


Gruber 260 (7)

Gruber 260 (7)

Gruber 260 (7) Capita Fidei Chritianae, (Sic) Contra Papam & Portas inferorum, constanter asserenda... Vitebergae Anno MDXII. Wittenberg: Joseph Klug, 1542. Benzing 3289; (Latin translation of Smalcald Articles by Petrus Generanus, a Dane).

The Gruber Collection was assembled by L. Franklin Gruber, President of Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary, Maywood, Illinois.

Annotation prepared by Ralph W Klein