Melanchthon, Painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder.
The title can be translated as Common Places in Theology or Fundamental Doctrinal Themes. This book of Melanchthon's was so highly revered by Luther that some have used this to explain why Luther never wrote a systematic theology of his own. Luther observed, "Next to Holy Scripture, there is no better book."
Melanchthon presented the doctrines of Christianity under the form of a discussion of the "leading thoughts" of the Epistle to the Romans. His purpose was to give a key to the right understanding of Scripture.
The 1543 edition was translated by J. A. O. Preus and published by Concordia Publishing House in 1992.
Gruber 156 Die haubt artickel und furnemesten punct der gantzen hayligen schrift durch Magister Philipp Melancthon Lateinisch gemacht und folgent verteutscht... Augsburg, 1522. First German edition of Loci.
Gruber 28 Loci Communes 1541. Bound with Augsburg Confession and Apology.
The Gruber Collection was assembled by L. Franklin Gruber, President of Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary, Maywood, Illinois.
Annotation prepared by Ralph W Klein