Gruber 162 Letter of Melanchthon to J. Lang 26 November 1540. Tipped in with Augsburg Confession
Gruber 189 Letter of Melanchthon to Theodore in Ecclesia Norimbergensi. July 9, 1542.
Gruber 160 Letter of Melanchthon to Bürgermeister & Rath of Salved. March 8, 1543.
Gruber 161 Letter of Melanchthon to Honestissimo viro Johannis Luthero amico suo. N. D. Opera VII, 502.
Gruber 104 Letter of Melanchthon to Bürgermeistern und Radt der Stadt Grimm. July 18, 1545. Opera V, col. 796.
Gruber 163 Letter of Melanchthon to Herman Huddaeus. 3 October, 1559. Opera IX, col. 939-940. Tipped in Gruber 163 Augsburg Confession. Translation follows below:
To Hermann Huddaeus, school master at Minden.
The inspiration of the poet is a gift from God, which is granted to few. It is, however, a good practice to compose verses (just as boys get an accurate knowledge of grammar) in order that by doing so, one may the better appreciate fine poetry. This is why I advocate that everybody should write verse, and have, meanwhile, spurred on the weaker brethren by my own example. I could wish that my verses were good and well-turned but as they are thin and awkward, I would rather that they not be published, especially as there is so much good poetry, both ancient and modern, to be had. I should be a crow cawing amongst swans!
I have produced a number of epitaphs, which suit my melancholy temperament, for gentlemen whom I could not disoblige. Please try to stop the publication.
Farewell and let me hear from you.
October 3, 1559 ~ Philip
The Gruber Collection was assembled by L. Franklin Gruber, President of Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary, Maywood, Illinois.
Annotation prepared by Ralph W Klein