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Chicago, Illinois 60615

Melanchthon's Works -

Other Documents by Melanchthon

Gruber 262

Gruber 262

Gruber 262 Historia de Vita et Actis Reverendiss. Viri D. Mart. Lutheri...a Philippo Melanthone. Adiecta sunt a Ioanne Pollicario Carmina quaedam...MDXLVIII (1548)

(Whereabouts unknown) Chronicle of Melanchthon 1569

Gruber 75 Sotheby, S. Leigh. Unpublished documents, marginal notes, & memoranda in the autograph of Philip Melanchthon and of Martin Luther... London, 1840. Presentation copy from author to John Eliot Hodgkin.

The Gruber Collection was assembled by L. Franklin Gruber, President of Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary, Maywood, Illinois.

Annotation prepared by Ralph W Klein