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Chicago, Illinois 60615

English Bibles: The Rheims-Douay Bible 1582-1610


Translated by Roman Catholics who had fled Queen Elizabeth I. William Allen, an Oxford scholar, established in 1568 a seminary at Douay in Flanders.  The first edition of this Bible was published in Rheims, France, where the seminary had transferred, in 1582. In 1609-1610, a translation of the Old Testament was published at Douay.

The Rheims-Douay Bible was a translation of the Vulgate.

Significant renditions:

Exegetical Note in this Bible:

Matt 6:24: "Two religions, God and Baal, Christ and Calvin, Masse and Communion, the Catholike Church and Heretical Conventicales."

By the middle of the eighteenth century, its literalistic Latin-like rendering was unintelligible to many.


Gruber 117

Gruber 117.

Gruber 117 The New Testament of Iesus Christ, translated faithfully into English out of the authentical Latin...in the English College of Rhemes... Printed at Rhemes by Iohn Fogny, 1582. First edition of Roman Catholic version in English.


Gruber 216a

Gruber 216a.

Gruber 216a (on Bookplate) The New Testament of Iesus Christ Faithfully Translated into English... Printed at Antwerp by Daniel Veruliet, 1600. 2nd edition of Roman Catholic New Testament in English (Gruber 12, vol. 3 in pencil).


Gruber 12

Gruber 12.

Gruber 12, volume 1. The Holie Bible faithfully translated into English, out of the Authentical Latin. Printed at Doway by Lavrence Kallam, at the signe of the holie Lambe. M. DC. IX. (1609). Volume 1 Genesis to Job.



Holie Bible 1610

Holie Bible 1610.

Gruber 12, volume 2. Same title as previous. Psalms through Malachi, Deutero-canonicals. M. DC. X (1610).

The Gruber Collection was assembled by L. Franklin Gruber, President of Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary, Maywood, Illinois.

Annotation prepared by Ralph W Klein