Gruber 147Sermon von der würdigen Empfahung des heiligen wahren Leichnams Christi, gethan am Gründonnerstag (May 28, 1521). Wittenberg: Johann Rhau-Grunenberg. Benzing 873; Aland 407; WA 7 (689-691) 692-97. This is edition A. Luther’s Works 42.167-177. Click to enlarge thumbnail.
Luther preached this sermon on Maundy Thursday, shortly before his departure for the Diet of Worms. Luther believed that the abuse of the sacrament was rooted in the reception of the sacrament out of obedience to the command of the church and out of the desire to achieve certain personal ends. The sacrament should be for those who recognize their personal need and are inwardly driven to receive it.
This is a second copy of Gruber 147 from the Maywood Seminary Library BR 332.S4 (36089). This is edition B, printed by Silvan Otmar in Augsburg.
Martini Lutheri omnium articulorum per novissimam Leonis decimi Bullam impie et frigid damnatorum, assertio. Maywood Seminary Library BR332.T620. Benzing 782; Aland 41; WA 7. (91-93) 94-151. This is edition D, published in March, 1521, by Adam Petri in Basel. A translation of this document will appear in the new edition of Luther’s Works published by Concordia Publishing House. For edition A, see Gruber 132 in the year 1520.
The Gruber Collection was assembled by L. Franklin Gruber, President of Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary, Maywood, Illinois.
Annotation prepared by Ralph W Klein