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Chicago, Illinois 60615

Luther's Works

Luther's Posthumous Publications




Gruber 141

Gruber 141

Gruber 141 Bedencken Doctoris Martini Lutheri Auff dem Reichstage zu Augspurgk im XXX yare gestellet. Anno 1548. Magdeburg: Michael Lotter, 1548.  Also Smalkald articles?



Gruber 260 (8)

Gruber 260 (8)

Gruber 260 (8) Aliquot Epistolae Reverendi Patris Piae Memoriae D. Martini Lutheri quibusdam Theologis ad Augustana Comitia Anno 1530 scriptae. Magdeburg: Michael Lotter, 1549. Also Gruber 261.


Gruber 229 Tomus Quintus Omnium Operum...Martini Lutheri... Witebergae: Ioannes Lufft, 1554. Last two leaves almost totally destroyed

Luther's Collected Writings

Gruber 217-228 Der erste Teil der Bücher D. Mart. Luth. uber etliche Epistel der Aposteln. Wittenberg: Hans Lufft MDXXXIX.  The first collected  edition of Luther's writings in 12 volumes. Volume VII is from the Jena edition, Thomas Roberts 1581.


Luther's Table Talk

(Whereabouts unknown) Luther's Tischreden 1566


Luther's Commentary on Galatians in English

Gruber 27 A Commentarie of M. Doctor Martin Luther upon The Epistle of S. Paul to the Galatians, first collected and gathered word by word out of his preaching, and out out of Latine faithfully translated into English for the unlearned. London: Thomas Vautroullier, 1575.

Gruber Unnumbered item The Fifth Part of All the Books and Writings of Luther.  Jena: Thomas Erben, 1575.

1621 or 1635

Martin Luther, Haus Postille 1621 or 1635. Given in 1973 by Geza St. Galy, Carmel, California.


Gruber 65 Dris Martini Lutheri Colloquia Mensalia: or,...Divine Discourses at his Table...Translated by Capt. Henrie Bell.  London, 1652.


Gruber 29 Lutheri Catechismus ofwersatt pa American-Virginiste Spräket.  Stockholm, Anno 1696. Contains map Nova Svecia hodie dicta Pennsylvania.


Luther's Collected Works in 23 Volumes

Gruber 192-213. Die Theuren Mannes Gottes, D. Martin Luthers Sämtliche Theils von ihm selbst Deutsch verfertigte... Leipzig, 1729-1740. Collected works in 23 vols. Vol 21 has modern binding. Multiple volumes also in Maywood collection.

(Whereabouts unknown? Gruber room?) Walch edition of Luther's works. N. D. This was the basis for the St. Louis edition of the 19th century.


3,000 Tracts of Luther

(Whereabouts unknown) Gruber 105 3000 Flugschriften of Luther


Gruber 137 D. Martini Luthers Werke kritische Gesamtausgabe. Die Deutsche Bibel. 2. Band. Weimar, 1909. Contents: D. Martini Luthers Deutsche Bibel, 1522-1546. Zweiter Band.

1917 (Four Hundredth Anniversary of the Reformation)

Open Letter to Pope Leo X and the treatise: On the Freedom of a Christian (facsimile)

Gruber 154 Luthers Sendschreiben an Papst Leo X und sein Büchlein von der Freiheit einer Christenmenschen. Edited by Rudolf Ehwald. Weimar, 1917. Facsimile edition.

The Gruber Collection was assembled by L. Franklin Gruber, President of Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary, Maywood, Illinois.

Annotation prepared by Ralph W Klein