Gruber 260 (6) Propositiones A Martino Luthero Subinde Disputatae... Vitebergae: Iosephi Clug, Anno MDXXXI. Benzing 61; WA 1.221-228; Luther's Works 31:3-16. This is an edition of the following document: Disputatio contra scholasticam theologiam 1517.
Because Luther believed that scholasticism hindered God's work of saving humankind, he vehemently attacked the schoolmen, Aristotle, and reason.
Gruber 260 (5) Up dat Vormente Keiserlick Edict, uthgeghan ym 1531 jare, na dem Rikesdage des MDXXX jars, Glosa D. Mart. Luthers. Magdeburg: Michael Lotter, 1531. Benzing 2932; WA 30,3.321-388; Luther's Works 34:63-104 Commentary on the Alleged Imperial Edict. Low German edition of Glosse auf das vermeinte Kaiserliche Edikt.
After the Diet of Augsburg, Charles V essentially reviviing the Edict of Worms and giving the evangelicals a period of grace until April 15, 1531. Luther gave a spirited reply to the doctrinal issues raised at the Diet of Augsburg and he delivers a sharp, popular criticism against the doctrinal positions of the Catholic party. This commentary appeared shortly before April 13, 1531.
Gruber 142 Die kleine antwort auff H. Georgen nehestes buch D. Marti. Luther. Wittemberg: Hans Lufft, MDXXXIII. Aland 244; Benzing 3074; WA 38.135-170. Kleine Antwort auf H. Georgs nächstes Buch.
The Gruber Collection was assembled by L. Franklin Gruber, President of Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary, Maywood, Illinois.
Annotation prepared by Ralph W Klein