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Chicago, Illinois 60615

Luther's Works

Publications by Luther 1530

Gruber 260(2)

Gruber 260 (2)

Gruber 260 (2) Die bekentnus Martini Luthers auff ytzigen angestelten Reichstag zu Augspurgk eynzulegen. In sieben zehen artikel verfasset. Im XXX Jar. Erfurt: Matthes Maler, 1530. Benzing 2856; WA 30.3.172ff?

Gruber 26 (04)

Gruber 260 (4)

Gruber 260 (4) Martinus Luther. Vormanynge unde syner lere, eyne erynneringe... Magdeborch: Hans Wolter, MDXXX. Aland 49; Benzing 2789; WA 30.2.237-356; Luther's Works 34:3-61 Exhortation to All Clergy Assembled at Augsburg. Low German edition of Vermahnung an die Geistlichen versammelt auf dem Reichstag zu Augsburg Anno 1530. Vermahnung an die Geistlichen, versammelt auf dem Reichstag zu Augsburg. A bookseller brought the first 400 copies to Augsburg on June 7, and they were quickly sold out. "This treatise might be considered Luther's own Augsburg Confession....It deals with many of the subjects treated in the confession, drawing especially in matters of ceremonies and abuses in the church upon a common source, notes on the discussions, and the articles of Torgau." Luther's Works 34:7.

Gruber 260 (3)

Gruber 260 (3)

Gruber 260 (3) De bekentenisse, D. Martii Luthers up den iegenwardige angestelde Rykesdage tho Augsburg. In SVII Artikel Voruatet. Magdeborch: Hans Wolther, 1530. Benzing 2860; WA 30.3.172-182. Low German edition of Ein Bekenntnis christlicher Lehre und christlichen Glaubens. See Gruber 260 (2) above.

Gruber 139

Gruber 139

Gruber 139 Auff das schreyen etlicher Papisten, uber die sibenzehen Artickel. Antwort Martini Luthers. Wittemberg Im XDXXX Jar. Erfurt: Matthes Maler, 1530. Aland 39; Benzing 2863; WA 30,3.183-197. Auf das Schreien etlicher Papisten über die 17 Artikel

Open Letter on Translating

Ein Sendbrieff von Dolmetschen...

Ein Sendbrieff von Dolmetschen...

Ein Sendbrieff von Dolmetschen und Fürbitte der Heiligen. (On Translation: An Open Letter and Intercession of the Saints). Aland 161; Benzing 2841; WA 30,2. 632-46. Luther's Works 35:175-202. Maywood BR330.A2C8 (31618). Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen

Luther discusses the problems of translating Scripture. "One may not ask the Latin language how to speak German, as some asses have done. We must inquire of the mother in the home, the children on the street, the common person in the marketplace, and watch carefully how they speak." A faithful translation, to Luther, is not the most literal translation possible, word for word, bu the transmission of the spirit and purpose of the passage. The Vulgate had translated the angel's greeting to Mary in Luke 1:28 Ave, gratia plena--"Hail, full of grace. Luther used the word "Holdselige," which means "lovely one."

Luther's Sermons from the 1530s (Maywood)

The Gruber Collection was assembled by L. Franklin Gruber, President of Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary, Maywood, Illinois.

Annotation prepared by Ralph W Klein