1100 East 55th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60615

Luther's Works

Publications by Luther 1527

This is my Body

Gruber 95

Gruber 95

Gruber 95 Das diese wort Christi (Das ist mein leib, etc) noch fest stehen widder die Schwerm geister. Mart. Luther. Wittemberg: Micahel Lotther MDXXVII. Aland 679; Benzing 2416; WA 23.38-320; Luther's Works 37:3-150. That These Words of Christ, 'This is My Body.' Etc., Still Stand Firm Against the Fanatics. Dass diese Wort Christi "Das ist mein Leib" noch feststehen wider die Schwarmgeister. 1527.



Gruber 154a

Gruber 154a

Gruber 154a Trostunge an die Christen zu Halle uber Er Georgen yhres predigers tod. Marti Luther. Wittemberg. Wittenberg: Hans Lufft, 1527. Aland 270; Benzing 2437 or 2438; WA 23.390-434; Luther's Works 43:139-165. A Letter of Consolation to the Christians at Halle; Tröstung an die Christen zu Halle über Herr Gerogen ihres Predigers Tod

This tract was a cry for justice against those who had assassinated the evangelical Pastor George Winkler at Halle. Luther attributed the deed to the pastor's defense of communion in both kinds, and regarded the church authorities at Mainz as responsible. His letter encouraged the evangelicals at Halle to be proud of their pastor's steadfastness, and urged them to remain faithful to the gospel.


The Gruber Collection was assembled by L. Franklin Gruber, President of Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary, Maywood, Illinois.

Annotation prepared by Ralph W Klein