Gruber 93 Vom abendmal Christi, Bekendnis Mart. Luther. Wittemberg, 1528. Wittemberg: Michel Lotther, 1528. (Luther, Confession Concerning Christ's Supper, 1528). Aland 2; Benzing 2503; WA 26.241-509; Luther's Works 37:151-372. Lull, 62-69: Confession Concerning Christ's Supper--Part III; 259-276: Confession Concerning Christ's Supper--From Part I (1528). Vom Abendmahl Christi Bekenntnis 1528
This is Luther's response to a tract by Ulrich Zwingli. Phillip of Hesse brought the two sides to a face-to-face encounter at the Marburg Colloquy in 1529 in an attempt to achieve reconciliation. The attempt failed, and Lutherans and Reformed began to harden their positions into an unfortunate tradition of alienation and hostility.
Gruber 96 Eine bericht an einen guten freund von Beider gestalt des Sacraments auffs Bischoffs zu Meissen mandat Mart. Luth. Wittemberg: Joseph Klug, 1528. Aland 666; Benzing 2523; WA 26.555-618. Ein Bericht an einen guten Freund von beider Gestalt des Sakraments auf des Bischofs zu Meissen Mandat 1528. Click to enlarge thumbnail.
Unterricht der Visitatorn an die Pfarhern ym Kurfurstenthum zu Sachssen. Wittenberg: Nickel Schirlentz, 1528. Maywood BR 336.U6 (37758). Aland 751; Benzing 2486; WA 26.175-240; Luther's Works 40:263-320. Instructions for the Visitors of Parish Pastors in Electoral Saxony. Unterricht der Visitatoren an die Pfarrherrn.
Luther urged Elector John to institute a systematic church visitation of Saxony. Teams of four visitors--two theologians and two government officials--were in inquire into both economic and religious conditions in every parish. Luther argued that the taking over of former church property obligated the government to support the schools and the churches which formerly had been supported by this property. Melanchthon was the author of this document, but Luther's ideas are everywhere present and some passages are written by Luther himself, including the Preface.
The Gruber Collection was assembled by L. Franklin Gruber, President of Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary, Maywood, Illinois.
Annotation prepared by Ralph W Klein