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Chicago, Illinois 60615

Reformation Era Documents -

Pope Leo X

Leo X by Raphael

Leo X by Raphael


Gruber 48

Gruber 48

Gruber 48 Leo X, Pope Bulla contra errores Martini Lutheri & sequacium.  (Bull against Martin Luther and his Followers.) Rome: Iacobum Maxochium (Jacopo Mazzocchi). 1520 on title page in ink.(The Papal Bull Exsurge Domine).

The bull, signed on July 15, listed 41 errors of Luther and threatened excommunication unless he recanted within 60 days. John Eck encountered great hostility when he tried to post the bull publicly in the eastern part of Germany.

The Gruber Collection was assembled by L. Franklin Gruber, President of Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary, Maywood, Illinois.

Annotation prepared by Ralph W Klein